Revive started in 2009 as an outgrowth of a camp that helped many of our leadership form deep relationships with the Lord as they grew up. The camp, called Camp Alpha, has over a 60 year heritage of raising up young leaders.
Over 3000 students have been a part of Revive, as well as 300 staff members who have served throughout the years. The model is to have students that have been raised going to our camp, come back as staff members to serve. Wanting to keep the cost as low as possible for families to send their children to Revive, the staff actually pay to serve, giving their valuable time and resources so students can have a safe space to learn about Christ during our week together. Through the support of generous individuals and businesses, over 700 scholarships have been given to students in need.
Visit www.reviveevents.com for more information.

We believe that God created us to move and use our entire body! From sports to different electives, we seek to glorify God in all that we do

Following Jesus is the highest calling we have. Learning to walk in the Way of Christ is central to who we are and what we do at Revive.